Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Posted: August 12, 2010 in Uncategorized

About me

Hey guys, my name is Cal Ueda. I am fourteen years old, born in Hawaii, Kona January 26,1996.  I am a kid who plays RuneScape/watches DragonBall Z…not really the average kid these days. Back then kids were always out doors, then came computers dominated the word hobby until maybe 06… computer was really booming and slowed down as kids started to dominate the out doors again hanging with friends. Unlike most people, I am not dominated by the biggest of life, such as the coolest this that fads anymore, it’s a simple reference to me unless it were to be music or marketing/networking. When it comes with something “popular” I usually try to see more into the subject other than what people can tell what seems to be, people these days are way to gullible, there is nothing by single person force that convinces my ways of thinking because of my specially called research or..using some thinking time, with inexperienced or simple gullible..even desperate  mind set you would be more qualified to a scam than I am, and I’ll tell you now I really do my scam research, if you get the idea(Me = a 100% scam no no). Usually I get start up ideas of how to do things online and try to put more understandance in it to find better ways to use that knowledge or learn that it isn’t the best and thus leading to base on but greater ideas. Other than being what I am online, I like to eat certain foods, and a lot of it sometimes because of my high metabolism. My favorite foods are Fried rice, Pizza, Scrambled eggs, cheese burgers, fries, chicken, ramen, cereal, and just a few little more. My favorite drinks I like to go for would alternatively just be water, though my other favors  for are other than water are mountain dew and well sprite. Now don’t get me wrong there is no myth to metabolism, I guess I grew up healthy or something but I never gained any enough fat to make me chubby based on how much I can eat, faaaar from EVER gaining fat. As I grew up my understandance of deception has grown and thanks to seeing my parents success in there jobs then, my sanity has been kept balanced, if you are new to making money online as in knowing you internet marketing know how works and this that, do not touch the subject on making money online I guarantee you WILL get scammed, any freebies whatever cut it. You can get scammed way more than in the real world, and I learned unlike other people, though I learned through research I learned the danger of scammed as much as the people who got scammed by research, and that’s what you should know how to do. Making money online has made my personality since a few months, though I have not made money I have learned what it takes to do so. All it is run on is time and effort and money only if necessary, second of all being a internet marketer(person who just simply makes money online) requires being independent, you ARE not to work under people if you are to make money online, you are to work with people or nothing at ALL. Now with this MMO I play also comes under the same wisdom, you can’t always work you way to success being under the control of people’s forces, you have to learn to do stuff without such interference or it will take you over in bad ways, if someone posts a guide on YouTube about how to get advantages through the game that person probably isn’t looking though other people’s views while at it, and chances you could do better than the guide if you put YOUR mind to it not his or hers. Now what wisdom runs to my mind by looking at where I am at, beign a simple kid, is for the greatest pure disiers in life are the ones well I can ONLY dream of and since this page is about me, I will share you about them. Well I usually try to exersize my arms by lifting weights and someday I hope to learn taekwondo, karate, kungfu, ninjutsu, and taijutsu at least sometime in the young part of my life, and to be honest it’s a really beneficial achievement which sharpens your mind a little more not only in being sharp but to be sharp to what’s right and not being an idiot to the wrong choices, and at the same time you become one with a great control of a fight . I also like listening to music, it usually brings out emotions out of me depending on the song, if some songs make me feel sadness or happiness what does music based on killing and dishonor being, a spoiled despicable life form I wouldn’t even call human sometimes. I even admit my flawful personality and after recent experiences and reviewing my life I have made myself to become the better person I have dominated to. And my trait is even to wish that in most people. I hope you enjoy the site and if you have any questions or anything just post a comment or Email me at, enjoy

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